Sunday, February 19, 2006


an Inspiration to all

this Blog is in remembrance of Ricky Gann.. aka Richard Holland.. I loved Him as my own his Biological mom and I are best friends, lil ricky as everyone called him was a very happy child. He loved to play with my kittens everyday. He would have played with them and petted them all day long if his mom and I had let him, but every child needs to go out and play. When we would take him to the park he would play on the swings and slides. He was a very loving child and enlighten a lot of lives. He always had a smile on his face and was making Everyone else smile around him. :) He loved life and loved being around his friends at the park. When he was taken from his bio mom she did everything she possibly could to get him back.. But things didn't turn out right just like they didn't when Lil Ricky was given to the hollands. It was a mistake to give them any children. But please Everyone Try not to Remember Ricky as a beaten Child who was murdered because he wouldn't want that.. Remember ( for those who can) a bright little boy who loved life and loved playing at the park and with his friends. :) thank you.



Anonymous said...

I never met Ricky, but I've known his biological mother for about 6 years. I was there when the STATE took her other 3 children away and placed them in an even more dangerous situation that they would have been in with her. She LOVES her children, every one of them. Whatever problems she was having could have been fixed IF her social worker (DHS) didn't have her head up her @ss and actually wanted to help instead of being so prejudiced against the mother. I can only pray that Casey will someday regain custody of the other 3 brfore something else goes horribly wrong.

Anonymous said...

HI Im Cina from Netfriendship. I do not know KC but happened read his blog. I am so sorry to hear that you lost love one. That was So Sad how could adopted parents such terrible thing to do.

I adopted my son thru Dhs. We stick with dhs til He finish high school.. We believe that we stay and keep in touch thru counselor to make sure all family happy or help whatever.

Sometime Dhs are not strong enough to paying attention to any kind of family. but I hope DHS, Foster Care and Adopted family need to be more paying attention and show love the child instead of hurt the children.

KC, Thank you for sharing your blog that got me interesting to read and felt so sad and Im so sorry to hear things happened.. But He always will be in your heart forever. He is with God and Safe than being on the Earth.


Anonymous said...

Thank you kc for writing those sweet and loving things about my son. we all loved him very muchand i will keep on loving him till the day i die. and i want to thank everyone else for there love for my son that they didn't even know.

Anonymous said...

The Judge threw out statements by Tim Holland that Lisa did it, saying it was part of a plea deal. It can't be used against Lisa either. This cripples the murder cases against both Hollands. The prosecutor said they will charge them with child abuse. SO WHAT? That's not murder. These two may get off with minor felonies and child abuse.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for telling us about Ricky's happy life before the adoption as a normal, happy little boy. Ricky was so adorable, such a kind, happy face. I would have loved to have met him. He has touched the lives of so many people all over the world. May God Bless this precious Angel.

Anonymous said...

interesting that you saw him every day and didn't recognize the abuse? I wonder......
Then I just pray that this beautiful little boy who was a gift from God that nobody wanted is finally home and in a better place.

Anonymous said...

who are you writing to? kc didn't see the abuse because at the time he lived with his BIOLOGICAL mother....its the ADOPTIVE parents that abused and killed him....find out the whole story.

KC said...

Anonymous said...
interesting that you saw him every day and didn't recognize the abuse? I wonder......
Then I just pray that this beautiful little boy who was a gift from God that nobody wanted is finally home and in a better place.

11:13 AM

This Is my blog for Lil Ricky... I was with him when His bio mom had him... I havent Seen Him in three years because I have been in Ga... please read the whole blog... and understand that I Love Ricky with all my heart and so does his mother. His BIO mother not his adopted mom .. If I had known about the Abuse dont u think I would have done everything in my power to have stopped it? Well please read the whole blog before you make comments like that again .

Anonymous said...

How sad to lose such a loving little boy. It makes you wonder how someone could do that to a child. And who knows what else went on.Love to little Ricky and the people who loved him.

Anonymous said...

My thuoghts and prayers are with the mom and Ricky. May god take tare of you both.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad to see this blog for Ricky. It gives me a place to talk about how painful this situation has been.

When I first heard this story, I was really worried for this boy. When I heard he had gone over to neighbors' houses and went in to eat and ask to stay, I thought he was in trouble, but I also thought he was an unusually brave and resourceful child. I thought if any young child could make it on their own and find some help, it would be Ricky.

After so much time passed, though, I began to doubt he was okay. When the true story came out, I was devastated.

I strongly urge anyone who sees a child in a bad situation to advocate for the child, gather evidence, make noise about the situation, and don't give up. Children are slipping through the cracks all over the country.

As far as I can tell, there was no abuse in Ricky's biological parents' homes. They just weren't getting their lives together according to the time schedule. The State needs to work with people. Foster care is not the answer for the vast majority of cases.

God Bless Ricky. God Bless his mother and father.

As far as the Hollands, I won't say what I think should happen to them om Ricky's blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the new picture of a happy Ricky. It's reassuring to know he had happiness in his life.

Anonymous said...

I have just read all that has been written about Ricky since I last visited this blog. I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has Lil Ricky and his mother in their prayers. Our family is doing everything we can to help, even though I don't feel as if it will ever be enough. I can only hope that she will be able to reunite with the rest of her children when this is all said and done. Please help us with the posts so Casey knows we all care.

Anonymous said...

i'm so so so sorry for your loss. I can't understand the pain you went through. I came really close to losing my youngest but that doesn't compare to this. No child deserves that. he was a very cute little boy. If you ever want to talk feel free to email me at netfriendships.
tonya keller

Anonymous said...

KC, I've been trying to find an email address or some way to contact you to keep you up to date with info I've been digging up regarding this case...including the interview tonight with Nancy Grace. Your contact page says it's expired or not available.

KC said...

my email Address is you can keep in contact with me there thank you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Ricky was adopted in the Jackson area,wasn't he?
Those caseworkers in his original county sentenced him to death IMO. He had a better shot being saved from the abuse in Ingham county,but his time ran out.Ingham county spent more on this case than any other in history I have heard.Ingham county also has an excellent CASA program(Court Appointed Child Advocate).If I could,I would prefer to live in Ingham.There was never any reports of abuse in Ingham county until AFTER Ricky disapeared.There were around 4 in Jackson though.Shameful and disgusting and deadly.What a cute,sweet little darling boy Ricky is.I am sorry that this all happened in an area where incompetence ran amuck.I am sorry it happened AT ALL:(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i didn't know ricky but i have been reading about the case in the paper every day at work. as a mother of a 7 year old little girl. i fell what happen to ricky was very uncalled for if the adpoted mom and dad couldn't care for him or didn't want to care for him anymore they should of got a hold of dhs or someone to help them out. alot of pople down at mdot were i work have also been reading about this case and alot of them fell that the adopted parents should have to go threw the same thing ricky did to see what it was like for him. i really hope that tim and lisa don't get off with just child abuse.

Anonymous said...

How can they get away with murder, when they both admitted to having some part in the crime, dumping the body and cleaning up the murder scene.

The Justice system stinks.

We will never know how much torture he went through. Does anyone know if he ever had

playmates, or did they ever do any activities with the children?

I wonder could the biological parents sue the State for taking the child and puting and keeping him in an abusive situation?

Anonymous said...

I never met ricky, but i as a parent can not understand how the state can be so ignorant. My deepest sincerety goes out to ricky 's bio mom 4 having to deal with this tragedy.I do hope tim n lisa get everything they deserve n much more.As 4 ricky may he rest in peace n may the lord take ricky under his wing n keep him safe n happy.

Anonymous said...

Ricky was very much wanted.He was wanted by his true family.Adoptees may be unplanned or born to parents in crisis,but they are never unwanted.I don't know one birth mother who didn't WANT her child.
So calling foster children and adoptees unwanted is not the truth.

Anonymous said...
KC,contact this group by email and see if they know of any attorneys willing to take this case to return the Gann children. Also the link I gave you for CPS watch, at the other blog site.
'Maybe they can put you in touch with someone to help?The maternal aunt or grandmother should probably try and get a homestudy done quickly.After the children are with the Holland sisters(aunts) for awhile,they could use "best interest of the child" in court against the Gann family.Also if the Hollands are TPR'd,then they could petition the court themselves to adopt quickly.You must move quicker.Hope this helps advise Casey and her kin how to proceed.

KC said...

THANK YOU soo much Adopted... I just got an email back from them and prayfully they are gonna help her.. they wanted some of the articles about it so I emailed that back to them... you are a dream come True... thank you very much We Might be able to get Justice For Lil Ricky yet :)

Anonymous said...

KC,I just emailed you.

Anonymous said...

thank u all for trying to help me out with all of this. it is greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I am just beside myself that DHS could allow such a thing to happen. I can only imagine how this mother feels because fortunately I have not lost a child. I can only offer my prayers and my support for this family and to tell them to be strong and stand up to this monster called DHS.

You must be strong and fight them because they cannot win in the battle for our children (in my case my grandson).

Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you were abused and failed by the state too.Foster and adoption homes can be unloving and abusive too as we continue to read about. You deserved to be loved.I am sorry you and Ricky and so many children end up fostered or adopted by horrible people.

Anonymous said...

what happened with my husband has nothing to do with what everyone here is talking about. There are people that my husband know and other friend of mine that they know that have the same thing he had and the are still around there kid and they have changed just like my husband please dont talk about that kind of stuff on here. this is for Ricky not my husband

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


2nd half of previous link

Anonymous said...

Having those babies removed by a shifty social worker has nothing to do with Casey's marriage.
THAT injustice(removals) did not involve him and people trying to link them together are grasping at straws.
If it affects her regaining custody in the future,then I am sure her family would gladly step in and get those babies (that survived) back into their loving REAL family!! Casey,I pray he has changed and that it all works out.You did nothing wrong to lose your children.If the Hollands(or some other infertile couple) did not think they were infertile,you may still have them.

Anonymous said...

"IF" it affects her getting her children back? Agreed, the new husband can't be linked to Ricky's tragic death...the Holland's seemingly took care of that on their very own.

However, basing the future of Ricky's surviving siblings on the mere chance that her current husband has "changed his ways" is nothing short of playing Russian Roulette with these children, in my opinion.

The best way to predict the future is to look at the past. And because this site was set up for Ricky let's think about what HE would want for his younger siblings.

Surely, he would wish for a safe-haven. Somewhere they would feel the love they deserve without taking ANY chance of being abused sexually, verbally or otherwise.

Placing these children in a loving, healthy environment along with justice in the court system would be the best way to see that Ricky did not die in vain.

Injustice is injustice, period. To expect justice of the accused in Ricky's death ALONG with justice for the surviving children should NOT be considered as "grasping for straws". That phrase within itself sounds as if it's coming from a defense attorney if you ask me.

May this child rest in peace someday knowing that the little one's he left behind have the bright future that he will never know.

KC said...

Trevor, Sarah, And Brett would be Just fine in Casey's home..If Ricky had gotten A choice that is where he would be. With His True Mother...and if the DHS Caseworker had CARED bout these kids I wouldnt have even had to make this blog in memory of him because all of them would be With Casey Right now and Ricky would still be alive... so Those kids belong with Casey or with one of HER family Members... not Tim or lisa's and Especially not another Foster home where they can be Abused once I support Casey in gettin her kids back into her family and I always will.

Anonymous said...

That phrase within itself sounds as if it's coming from a defense attorney if you ask me.

Actually,it is coming from an adoptee who had a great adoptive home.My real parents were also great. I realize you could not care ANY less about what these children long for and need.But their kin and their Mother certainly do.You are just another non adopted person pretending to care,but have your own agenda as usual.Same as the Hollands,had an agenda.

Anonymous said...

is nothing short of playing Russian Roulette with these children, in my opinion.

The fostercare system did that.Ricky paid for it and so do the others by abuse.Adoptees are not an experiment for freaky couples to "practice" with.
Ricky wanted to go home to his mama and he would want his family all together.Kids are not born desiring to go live with some stranger,chosen (apparently) at random.I believe that foster and adopted children are not THROWAWAYS.These children have a lifetime of pain ahead due to one of those so called "loving" adoptive homes you desire for them. One is Dead.
No more chances.

KC said...

I believe that Ricky would want all his Siblings back with his mom... or at least with the family.. so i support Casey Completly.. I was also in the foster System and adopted to a "loving" Rich home... Where it wasnt Too pretty.. they told ppl I was ADHD and all that too so I know how Ricky felt... it is hard...and Ricky wouldnt Want his sister and brothers in ANY home of relatives of tim and lisa.. Ricky Loved his mom and was always asking her To take him home with her After their Visit.. but of course she couldnt..he would Start to Cry as Lisa led him to the car...and then a couple times he broke away to go and Hug Casey again. He loved his mom alot.. she was everything to him and of course I am Talking About Casey....

Anonymous said...

KC said=I believe that Ricky would want all his Siblings back with his mom... or at least with the family..

And WHY do people expect adopted kids(or foster) to NOT feel this way?
No child wants to LOSE their Mama or their family.
I wonder why this terrible loss is not
validated for adoptees and foster children?
Again,I think people are okay with it because they think experimenting with "throwAways" is fine.They think less of these children.So sad.

KC said...

Kids are not "throw aways" None of them... They all deserve the very best in life.. Trevor Sarah and brett are very MUCH loved by Casey and her Family... (mine also.) I would do anything in the world To help get them kids back where they belong with Casey and her family.. their BIRTH FAMILY

~ MissLisa said...

You have created a very loving tribute to little Ricky. He obviously was a very precious child who was loved and adored by his birth family. My heart goes out to all who love him. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

i feel so bad for the family and lil ricky i have 2 sons myself n they are my life we need to watch out for our children we need to speak out on their behalf and help them and the family but the child comes first and they need to be heard if they can't do it we have to do it for them!!!! lil ricky is an angel now and watching over his family and have comfort in knowing god is with him now protecting him and he is not suffering anymore he will always be with you as you will always be with him god bless you and i wish you all the luck in getting your other children back

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you know of any planned vigils or rallies for Ricky. July 1, the date of his death, is coming up. I would think there would be something. I would be willing to help. We must keep this in the public and awareness that people are very much involved in bringing justice for Ricky. The Hollands must pay for what they did.

I hope that the biological parents can get these siblings out of Tim Holland's family's care.

Also, if everyone would contact their senator and other government agencies about their outrage, it could make a difference.

Also keep on the media to cover this case.

I think about this child all the time, he must have been a very strong boy to endure what he had to go through. The fear he had to live with day to day, and crying out for help so many times, and no one helped him. He did what he could do as a young child. Why they didn't turn him over to protective services, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

there is a survey going on that is about if we should beable to keep our new daughter that is on the way if u would like u can go there and vote for yourselfs it is feel free to vote for what u want

Anonymous said...

go to to vote yes or no that i should be able keep our new daughter that is on the way

Anonymous said...

AAAAwwwww I am very glad you made those! Touch my heart when I read this, wow!
Hugs, Jacey

Anonymous said...

Kc was a good mother but she wasn't able to raise ricky on her own but she did what she had to. The state take kids like they are candy on a shelve. My sister too got her kids taken by the same case worker. Then not but less then a year ago my kids dad girlfriend hit my daughter with a belt and I called the cops and ps on her and they did nothing so i gave her a taste of her own mecicine. No chile deserves abuse they need to learn how to correct a child with out a weapon. Kc you where a great mother and you will be again the state needs to let a family be a family. It is your right to keep them babies protected now . Fight hard I know you have it in you... Love you Lil Ricky, Kc, and the other 4 beautiful children...

Anonymous said...

People who are talking abd about the birth mother need to ask them selves why they are talking bad about her when Lil Ricky was alive and I believe would still be alive if he was with his mother (casey). Lisa gives us mothers, adoptive, mothers, and foster parents a bad name. Dont base all of us on one person... Ricky was a very strong kid and we all need to give thank his mother for that (casey). Ricky stayed strong for his younger siblings. Ricky you are very strong you are safe now rest in peace..... We all are fighting for you and your siblings....


Anonymous said...

Hi Kc... this is Linni from netfriendships... thank you for posting such a BEAUTIFUL blog in memory of such a wonderful Little boy...
it sickens me that there are people out there like that. they will get thiers thats for sure..
Ricky will remain alive in the hearts and minds of those who love him, and we can help keep him alive by reading this beautiful blog!
My Prayers are with his family, and those who love him!
God Bless

Anonymous said...

OMG that is just beautiful... Tasey, you need to know that we are all here for you and we LOVE YOU very much... Ricky is being well taken care of as we all know... and we could not ask for a better life for him than that which he is living now. Please know ( Lil Ricky) you will forever be in out hearts, our minds, and our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I never met Ricky but he sounds like an adorable and brave little boy.It is sad to think there are other little kids out there that are going through the same thing that you will read about later. There are so many cruel people in the world that get their thrills by abusing little children. Maybe little Rickys story will get into the right hands and the other children will be returned to their bio mother where she can know that they will be safe. Rest in peace little Ricky and I know now that you are watching over your family from above everything will work out good for your mother. May she get her children back where they belong and I hope everything turns out for the best for her.